Xserver Business
Adaptive Offense
Gain 2.7% Critical Chance
On Critically Striking, 0.9% Critical Chance becomes 3% Critical Severity for 10 sec
Max 9% Critical Severity

入手方法: Borg Lock Box or Infinity Lockbox
Critical Chanceが通しで80%下回るような状態では配置した方が良いですけど、Cat1/Cat2/Final考慮した上で決めてください

メタの有無: メタ
Intelligence Agent Attaché
Weapon Critical Strikes partially recharge Captain Ability

Weapon Critical Strikes restore a small amount of Captain Ability recharge time. Cannot reduce an ability below its minimum recharge time. Maximum one reduction per 1.33 seconds.

Having an observer from intelligence can be taxing, but the advantage in access to information has tempted many Captains into such an arrangementOn Weapon Critical Strike, restore 2% of Captain Ability Recharge

入手方法: Angel’s Wake Lobkbox or Infinity Lockbox

Critical発生時に、2%分、Captain AbilityのCDが短縮されます、内部CDは1.33秒
通しで、Critical Chanceが90%台ある場合は、かなり頻繁に発生してCD短縮発動します
注意点としてはGCDは短縮されません、が、3分の間に通常であれば2回しか使用出来ないアビリティ(1分30秒のCD)が3回使用出来たりする強力なTraitですが、最低でも80%台のCritical Chance無いと最大限活かせない

Point Blank Shot
to self: +0-10% Bonus Energy Weapon Damage, based on Distance to Target.
Maximum bonus when less than 2km, no effect beyond 6km



入手方法: ミッション報酬 “House Pegh”
メタの有無: メタ
Context is for Kings
Each second while in combat:
If you did take damage in the past second: +3 All Damage Resistance Rating for 10 sec
If you did not take damage in the past second: +1% Bonus All Damage for 10 sec



入手方法: Infinity Lockbox
メタの有無: メタ
Fleet Coordinator
+2% All Damage per Team member (Self included), up to 10%


入手方法: 無料(最初から付いています)
メタの有無: メタ
Superior Cannon Training
+7.5% Cannon Weapon Damage

Cannonsビルド組む時必須、Beamの場合はSuperior Beam Training、因みにCat2です
入手方法: 無料(最初から付いています)

メタの有無: メタ
Superior Beam Training 
+7.5% Beam Weapon Damage

Beam ArrayやDBBビルド組む時はこちらをセットします、これもCat2
入手方法: 無料(最初から付いています)

メタの有無: メタ
Inspirational Leader
10% chance: Activating any Bridge Officer Ability grants +10 to Most Starship Skills for 15 seconds (may stack up to 3 times).


例えば、Energy Weapon Training Skillは50ポイントで25%のダメージボーナスがあります(Cat1)10ポイントブーストされると5%のダメージボーナスとなります。

入手方法: Infinity Lockbox
メタの有無: メタ
Duelist’s Favor
Whenever you or a teammate kills something:
+5% All Damage for 10 sec
+5 Accuracy Rating for 10 sec
(Effect stack up to 3 times)



入手方法: Infinity Lockbox
メタの有無: メタ
Into the Breach
Defeating an enemy debuffs nearby enemies’ damage resistance rating by 7 per rank of the downed enemy. Lasts 8 seconds. Strongest penalty applies. Terran admirals find the weak point and break it, then send the fleet through the breach. It’s easiest to broadside the enemy from within their own formation.



入手方法: Infinity Lockbox
メタの有無: メタ
Fragment of AI Tech
Improves Control Expertise. Improves Energy Weapon Damage based on Control Expertise (maximum 30% at 300 Control Expertise)

Many of Control’s ships were left behind after the battle, positively riddled with technology gained from its portion of the Sphere data. Despite Starfleet’s best efforts, it proved impossible to keep all of these advances under wraps.+__% Energy Weapon Damage based on Control Expertise (Max +30% at 300 Control Expertise)
+50 Control Expertise

Cat1のダメージ追加はStarship KillのScienceグループControl Expertiseのスキル値に応じて上下します
Beam系のビルドであれば入れても良いかなっていう程度、Skill Treeを調整する必要があり、あまり初心者には向いていない

Hull Capacity(CrtHが90%台であれば、1つ削って2つにするとControl Expertiseに1つ振れるが・・)
Hull Plating(タンクが優秀で信頼出来る人としか遊ばないって場合は削っても良いが・・・)
Shield Regenaration(上と同じようにタンクがいるのなら構わない)
Shield Hardness (同じく)


このTrait、メタのConsoleにもControl Expertiseのボーナスが付いたものがあり
Bioneural Infusion Circuits
Tachyokinetic Converter

Assimilated Module
Polymorphic Probe Array

しかし、だからといってControl Expertiseだけ高めてもただの無駄でしかない
入手方法: Infinity Lockbox
メタの有無: メタ
Terran Targeting Systems
Significantly improves your Critical Severity. However, receiving a critical strike slows you somewhat for a brief duration. This drawback is limited in how often it triggers.

+15% Critical Severity、いやはや無く子も黙るテラン帝国らしいTraitです(*´ω`*)
Critical SeverityはCat2に属してます

入手方法: Infinity Lockbox
メタの有無: メタ
EPS Overload(Engineering Captain Only)
Your weapons gain an additional effect for 30 sec based on Which Power Level is highest at the time of activation:
– If Weapons: 2% Crit Chance
– If shield: -20% Weapon Power Cost
– If engines: +20% Armour Penetration
– If Auxiliary: +20% Crit Severity

PowerLevelに応じて発動する効果が変わりまして、これはBase Power Levelなので追加分のは含みません、DPSではWeaponPowerに振るわけなので実質 +2% Crit Chance

入手方法: Infinity Lockbox
メタの有無: メタ
Fluidic Cocoon
When hit by Kinetic Damage, you have a chance to increase your outgoing Energy Damage for several seconds. Effect may only trigger a maximum of once per second, and cannot be triggered by Damage over Time effects.
20% chance when receiving Kinetic Damage:+5% Bonus Energy Damage for 20 sec (stacks up to 3 times)

これ、タンクが一番最適ではあるものの、Point Blank Shotが活かせないような戦闘方法・ビルドの場合、セットするわけにはいかないのでまだこちらがマシ

EPS Manifold Efficiency(Engineering Captain Only)
Space Trait. When you use Emergency Power to Auxiliary, Emergency Power to Engines, Emergency Power to Shields, or Emergency Power to Weapons, this trait causes all of your other power levels to gain a moderate subsystem boost. When you use any Battery, this trait causes all of your other power levels to gain a large subsystem boost.

Emergency Power to Weapon等Emergency Power to系アビリティ使用時、10 All Subsystem power for 30 secが追加されます
入手方法: 無料(最初から付いています)
メタの有無: メタ
Photonic Reinforcement (Science Captain Only)
As an expert in Photonic Studies, your Photonic Fleet ability summons an additional ship.

これ使うと、Photnic Fleetの船が追加されます、DPS的に馬味(*´ω`*)

入手方法: Infinity Lockbox
メタの有無: メタ
A good day to die (Tactical Captain Only)
You are always willing to go down fighting with your ship. Go Down Fighting may be activated at any Hull integrity. Its scaling benefits will function as though your Hull is at 50% Hull Integrity, at most.

通常Go Down FightingってHPが半分以下にならないと発動すら出来ないんですが、このTraitはその条件を取っ払ってしまうもの、Tactical 艦長なら必ずセットしましょう(*´ω`*)

入手方法: Infinity Lockbox
メタの有無: メタ
The Boimler Effect
Provides a chance for using non-specialist Bridge Officer Abilities to recharge all other Bridge Officer Ability recharge times up to their respective Shared Cooldown Categories.

17.5% chance: Recover the Recharge time of all other Bridge Officer Abilities up to their Shared Category Cooldowns

入手方法: Lobi Store 200 Lobi or Exchange

通常のBOFFアビリティ(Temporal/Intel/Command/Miracle Worker等専門シートを除く)を使用すると上記一定確率で他の通常のBOFFアビリティのCDをGCDまでいっきに短縮してくれる
